Arcazin Wikia

Dragons of Arcazin[]

At one time Arcazin had a healthy population of dragons who were worshipped as well as reviled.  In the Age of Silence the gods left mortalkind to their own devices and did not interfere with Arcazin for millenial.  With the absence of gods, the dragons chose to come out of their hidden nests and assume the empty seats left behind.  In the Age of Dragons, mortalkind accepted and worshipped the good dragons as well as submitted to fearful service of the evil dragons.  After centuries mortalkind eventually overthrew the dragons with a hardfought war that caused many casualties for both mortals and dragons alike.  In present day it is assumed there is only a fraction of the amount of dragons that existed once.  Ancient tomes hold detailed records of dragons and their anatomy, abilities, magical properties, hierarchies, and social structure.  Below is a brief summary of the dragons of arcazin.

Colors and Alignment

Good Neutral Evil
White Blue Red
Gold Brown/Green Black

Breath Weapons

Gold: Holy Fire, Line

White: Cold, Cone

Blue: Lightning, Line

Green: Chlorine Gas, Cloud

Brown: Acid, Cone

Red: Fire, Line

Black: Infernal Decay, Line

The Elders of the Age of Dragons

During the Age of Dragons there were seven elders who were the most powerful of their type.  Their names and ultimate fate had been recorded.

Gold: Exuley the Gentle (m) - Renowned protector of mortalkind, Exuley was deceived by Inthalm the Soulless and slain in battle by both him and Bygekat the Devourer in the beginning of the Dragon War.

White: Arovann the Valiant (f) - One of the three elders recorded to survive the Dragon War, though with grievous wounds after aiding the mortal legend Drakros in slaying Inthalm.  It is said the Arovann died three centuries later, none are sure how or why as dragons were believed to be immortal. 

Blue: Lasluk'm the Wise (f) - Lasluk'm the Wise sided with Exuley and Arovann in the Dragon War.  Her and her brood were responsible for sharing arcane secrets with mortalkind in the effort to combat Bygekat and Inthalm. Lasluk'm was betrayed and slain by Ebecai the Craven near the end of the war.

Green: Ebecai the Craven (f) - Ebecai, though considered a god at the time, was the weakest of her divine kin and from cowardice played both sides of the war. After helping Arovann's brood attack and slay Inthalm's harem of eggmothers Ebecai feared Inthalm would discover her involvement and she aided in the capture of Lasluk'm the Wise. Inthalm demanded Ebecai show her allegiance to his cause and assassinate Lasluk'm. Ebecai fell to Inthalm's demands and ripped out Lasluk'm's throat. After the war Ebecai went into hiding and survived for millennia until a bold dragon slayer hunted her down and killed her.

Brown: Ilyssur the Voidseeker (m) - Ilyssur was known for his aloofness to his mortal followers, as well as his own kin. His eyes were described as gazing through time and often made little sense when he spoke. At the climax of the dragon war Ilyssur disappeared without warning and his brood, rendered directionless, withdrew from the war and went into hiding. The fate of Ilyssur is unknown.

Red: Bygekat the Devourer (m) - Savage and cruel, Bygekat reveled in infamy with his followers. Most of Bygekat's mortalkind followers were sacrificial snacks for him and his brood, and so the mortalkind revolt gave immediate action to Bygekat to quell the uprising of his food source. He sided with Inthalm without hesitation at the beginning of the war, and nearly escaped the climax of the conflict with his life. A large horde of orckind banded together and captured Bygekat. It is said the horde of orckind harvested chunks of meat from Bygekat and slowly ate him to death over the course of months. 

Black: Inthalm the Soulless (m) - Evil incarnate that Raverus would be proud of, Inthalm desired only power and complete domination. He broke the will of any force to give loyalty to only him via fear, thus ensuring his superiority. At the beginning of the dragon war Exuley called her divine kin to meet and discuss the choice of giving Arcazin back to the mortals and suggested the dragons find a different plane to exist on. Inthalm believed Arcazin was claimed by the dragons and was their right, however. He plotted with Bygekat the Devourer and deceived the other divine dragons to meet at a different location for the council meeting. This resulted in Exuley to meet with Inthalm and Bygekat alone. Outnumbered and taken by surprise, Exuley was slain by Inthalm. At the climax of the war Inthalm was slain, with the aid of Arovann, by the Drakros, a human empowered by the god Vaath.

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